The Dubuque Symphony Orchestra (DSO) announces the return of its annual Pursuit of the Podium fundraiser. Four local individuals have been chosen to compete in this year’s event. The contestant that raises the most money on behalf of the DSO between now and May 16, 2022 will conduct one piece at the free Summer Melodies concert at the Dubuque Arboretum on Sunday, June 26, 2022.
Contestants include Gail Appel, Cindy Pearce, Eva Schmid and Mona Woodward. Profiles of each contestant can be found on the symphony’s website.
To make a donation on behalf of a Pursuit of the Podium contestant, please visit or mail your gift to the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra at 2728 Asbury Road, Suite 900, Dubuque, IA 52001.
The Pursuit of the Podium winner and total amount raised will be announced at the final classics concert of the season: May 21-22 at Five Flags Theater.
Pursuit of the Podium supports a variety of initiatives consistent with the DSO’s mission, which is to engage the tri-state community and enrich its quality of life through live musical performances and educational programs. The DSO will serve approximately 20,000 people this year. Since Pursuit of the Podium was first introduced during the 2012-2013 season, thirty community leaders have participated and raised more than $194,000.
For more information, call the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra office at (563) 557-1677.